20 Well-Known Movie "Facts" That Are Actually Bulls**t

10. Milk Was Used To Ensure The Rain Showed Up On Camera - Singin' In The Rain

It's rare that - as a human being on this good Earth - you can sit down to watch Singin' in the Rain without somebody reminding you that - OMG! - they used milk to make sure that the rain in the most iconic scene showed up on camera. Because everybody knows that rain doesn't show up on camera unless you manipulate it in some way, and back in the '50s milk was the only viable option. Right? Uh, no. There's absolutely no truth to this widely established "fact" at all. In actuality, the effect of the rain glimpsed in the classic musical was achieved through a complicated process of backlighting. Milk was never considered to an option, nor would it have been, because that's mental. Next time somebody tries to deploy this fact, then, make sure to look them square in the eyes before shooting them down with a blunt utterance of "No" - thus shattering their confidence forever.
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The Lion King
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.