20 Well-Known Movie "Facts" That Are Actually Bulls**t

8. The Banjo Kid Was A Real Hillbilly - Deliverance

Nobody knows, exactly, how this little "fact" got started; it's likely that, given the intense and realistic nature of the Banjo Kid's performance in John Boorman's backwoods masterpiece, Deliverance, that audiences just downright refused to believe that such an uncanny hillbilly could be an actor. After all, where do you find a person who looks like that? And with such brilliant banjo skills to boot? So somebody probably bullsh*tted this myth into existence at a BBQ in 1972. Something along the lines of: "Yeah, I heard that hillbilly kid was real. Heard the crew stumbled upon the poor son of a b*tch whilst they were making the movie and decided to put him in it. That's what I heard." Unfortunately, that just wasn't the case. The infamous Banjo Kid, who gives Ronnie Cox's character, Drew, a run for his money during the "Duelin' Banjos" sequence, was played by a normal kid named Billy Redden. Redden was picked out from a class of school children due to his, uh, "unique" looks. He couldn't play the banjo, though: his hands were overdubbed with that of a professional.
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The Lion King
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.