20 Well-Known Movie "Facts" That Are Actually Bulls**t

7. A Stuntman Was Killed During The Chariot Race Scene - Ben-Hur

Here's a classic movie "fact" as old as the movie in question itself. According to whoever decided to waste countless hours of the human population's time, a stuntman was killed during the filming of the iconic chariot race scene in historical epic Ben-Hur. What's more, it has often been purported that the death of said stuntman can be seen in the actual movie if - you know - you look hard enough. Not so. All the evidence points to the fact that such a thing never happened; Charlton Heston even went on record in his own biography dispelling such a rumour, proclaiming that nobody was seriously injured over the course of production, whilst MGM have denied the claims, writing them off as absurd. It makes sense that it never happened: you can't hide something like that. No matter how hard you squint at the screen looking for a squashed stuntman, then, you're not going to find one. Sorry about that.
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The Lion King
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.