2. Left Behind
Rotten Tomatoes: 2% Just as the poor quality of the Transformers movie was utterly unsurprising, so too was the revelation that Nic Cage's latest was provocatively bad. The actor is now almost a parody of himself, again choosing a terrible script to work with despite his occasional capacity to make good films. For some reason the film seemed to think that nobody realised the twist, despite it being marketed as a biblical "disaster" movie, which was baffling. But that was only the half of it: it was cheaply made, terribly written and the acting was horribly wooden even for Cage's usually low standards. And for some reason it took a Christian idea and put it in a deeply unChristian framework, painting believers as annoying and delusional (despite them being clearly right). But then logic isn't really the big thing to hold on to here.
Sample Review:"Score one for Satan." Linda Barnard, Toronto Star