20 Worst Movies Of 2022 (So Far)
12. Moonfall

Ah, Moonfall.
You almost have to begrudgingly respect Roland Emmerich's single-minded commitment to these impossibly stupid disaster movies, though given Moonfall's catastrophic commercial failure, it just might be his last hurrah in the genre.
At once a disaster film and a more surreal sci-fi thriller, Moonfall is absolutely bonkers, and yet you have to sit through a relatively dull first half to get to the truly fun stuff.
To be clear, this isn't a good movie in any way - the script will vent your brain cells immediately, the acting mostly stinks, and the visual effects are all over the place - but there is at least some fun to be had laughing at it.
Gamely checking logic at the door and swinging wildly for the fences with its wild extraterrestrial narrative, Emmerich's latest is surely the year's weirdest blockbuster, which might explain why it had to be independently financed.