20 Worst Performances In Superhero Movies

2. Shaquille O'Neal (Steel) - Steel

Shaq Steel
Warner Bros.

This universally-panned superhero flick is infamous for being one of Shaq's earlier efforts to act, and landed him a Worst Actor Razzie nomination.

Shot on a tight schedule to accommodate Shaq's sports commitments, Steel kits the basketball star out in a ludicrous, comically oversized metal costume in a film that's less an attempt to faithfully adapt the DC superhero to the big screen, and more an effort to further the Shaq brand.

Shaq proves beyond all doubt here that he has no natural acting talent or instincts, and hilariously awful though he is, it's simply staggering that anyone could watch a screen test with this man and not immediately pull the plug.

At least the rap he performed for the movie, "Men of Steel", was surprisingly not-terrible, but that's the only good thing that came out of it all, really.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.