20 WTF 2015 Movie Moments You Probably Missed

9. Loomis Kills Caleb? - Z For Zachariah

Just as Loomis (Chiwetel Ejiofor) and Caleb (Chris Pine), the two men competing for Ann's (Margot Robbie) affections, complete their water wheel project, Caleb slips on the cliffside. His radiation suit makes it difficult to climb without the help of a rope-pulley system operated by Loomis, and Caleb slips again, but while Loomis grabs the rope, he is unable to pull Caleb up, causing him to hang in limbo as both men exchange uncertain glances. Caleb smirks at a concerned Loomis, just as the scene cuts away. When Loomis returns home, he tells Ann that Caleb left of his own accord to seek out new horizons, but both Ann and the audience are skeptical: did Loomis let Caleb drop intentionally, could he simply not help him get back to the top, or did Caleb find some way to survive and genuinely decide to leave? It's an incredibly tense scene with a payoff that's naturally going to divide audiences expecting a little more in the way of explanation. Still, it's a terrific mystery and thoroughly informs how damaged Loomis and Ann's prior semi-platonic relationship had become by the arrival of Caleb.
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Ex Machina
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.