20 WTF 2015 Movie Moments You Probably Missed

14. James Marsden Has Sex With Jack Black - The D-Train

While organising his high school's 20-year reunion, sad sack loser Dan Landsman (Jack Black) attempts to convince the most handsome and popular guy in his graduation year, Oliver Lawless (James Marsden), to attend, as he believes it will convince everyone else to go. He makes a massive effort to see Oliver, whose life isn't as rosy as it seems. The pair get wasted one night and, after some light touching, suddenly begin making out. Before we know it, it's morning, the pair have clearly had sex, and Dan wakes up feeling a combination of shock and excitement. If you went into The D-Train without knowing this first-act plot twist, it certainly came as quite the surprise. That said, it doesn't just feel tacked on for the sake of it: it informs the rest of the film in an interesting way, even if the mental image of Marsden going to town on Black isn't something that's easily shaken from your head (all the more so because the sex isn't actually shown).
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.