20 WTF 2015 Movie Moments You Probably Missed

13. Biscuit Woman Kills Herself - The Lobster

As David (Colin Farrell) is out one day, he meets a character known only as the Biscuit Woman (Ashley Jensen), a lonely woman who hits on him in a desperate attempt to avoid her fate (every single person at the resort they're staying has 45 days to find a partner or be turned into an animal of their choice). David rejects her, and she semi-casually mentions to him that if she doesn't find a partner within the time window, she'll kill herself by jumping from the hotel. Later, it turns out she wasn't lying, as from the balcony David can blood-curdling screams, which he realises are from the woman, who true to her word, jumped to her death. As she bleeds out, she continues to scream while people helplessly attend to her. Grim, but also kinda hilarious.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.