20 WTF Moments From The Resident Evil Movies

5. It's Basically A Greatest Hits Of The Series (Resident Evil: Retribution)

Resident evil score the final chapter
Screen Gems

It's clear by film number five that the series straight-up ran out of ideas, as much of this film's plot is basically just a greatest hits rehash of the previous films in the series.

The core plot sees Alice fighting her way through Umbrella's high-tech underwater Russian fortress with the Red Queen once again in control.

Alice has to evade a laser grid, ends up in a simulation of Moscow, faces off against more Axemen in a simulation of New York, and even ends up fighting clones of Rain (Michelle Rodriguez) and the other dead mercenaries from the first movie.

On one hand it's an amusing, nostalgic remix of the earlier films, but it also feels like a lazy substitute for coming up with a plot that even vaguely makes sense.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.