2013 Superhero Movies: Predicting Worst To Best

4. Kick-Ass 2

Kick-Ass 2 It pains me to put this one so low. Kick-Ass is easily one of my favourite superhero films of recent memory. The quirky, low-budget setting that depicted a €œreal-world superhero experience€ was irresistible. Even if that €œreal-world€ involved people being rocket launched through windows. Kick-Ass is such an awesome feat of oddball, indie superhero that I want to believe it will be amazing. If it can match the critical reception of the first it's on very good ground. However, there are some warning signs we should be weary of. Firstly, the second comic book is particularly dark and€well€not really very good story-wise. Sure we have some fun with Hit-Girl growing up and the seriously insane villain €œThe Motherfucker€. But the problem is Mark Miller; he takes it way too far. Nobody wants to see a dog decapitated, nor Kick-Ass's girlfriend get raped. Of course the first comic had its fair share of content cut. Let€™s hope the same occurs here. The presence of Jim Carrey is especially assuring. Whether you find the man funny or not, you can€™t deny his acting charms. If there's anything we've learned from The Truman Show or The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, it's that Carrey can deliver when it's asked of him. Let's hope director Jeff Wadlow can keep Carrey in check to prevent that wackiness from overshadowing the potential here. The trailer certainly had me pining for more! And while I€™m on the topic of the director, Jeff Wadlow has taken the director's chair from the incredible Matthew Vaughn. Wadlow's only other directing credit is, wait for it, Never Back Down. Not exactly inspiring stuff is it? Still Vaughn hand-picked Wadlow. That's assuring right? Expected rating: 7/10 Kick-Ass 2 comes out 19th July 2013
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Matthew Murray is an 19 year old film student in New Zealand. He is addicted to music, movies, gaming and television and spends his time feeding the obsession! When he is not writing about these things, he is lining up for these things, talking to people about these things and sitting around dreaming about these things.