23 Worst Movie Endings Since 2000

2. "Start With The Little One" - A Serbian Film

If you haven't been lucky enough to check out A Serbian Film, good for you. Sr‘an Spasojevi‡'s thriller about a struggling male porn actor who ends up being unknowingly recruited for a snuff film is about as nasty as cinema gets. Memorable scenes include protagonist Milos being forced to have sex with a woman whose head he then cuts off mid-coitus with a machete, a clip of a baby being raped by a man moments after being born (a fetish dubbed by the movie as "newborn porn"), Milos accidentally raping his own son, and then Milos killing a guy by thrusting his throbbing member into his empty eye-socket (a phenomenon known as "skull f***ing"). At the movie's conclusion, Milos, his wife and son agree to a suicide pact, leading to Milos shooting a gun through all three of them, killing them instantly. Later on, a film crew enters the bedroom where they lie dead, and prompts one of the crew to unzip his trousers and "start with the little one", implying they will all be posthumously raped, and possibly other things. Why It Sucks: It's an ending so unwaveringly horrifying that there's almost the temptation to laugh, as a defense mechanism against something that's so unconscionably vile and disgusting to most audience members. Director Spasojevi‡ claims that the movie is a statement about Serbia's harsh political climate (where the citizens are literally and figuratively "f***ed", presumably), but really it just seems like an excuse to shock and appall. How the movie ever got bankrolled is truly astounding.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.