23 Worst Movie Endings Since 2000

19. The "Bad" Guy Loses...And We Hate It - Law Abiding Citizen

Law Abiding Citizen revolves around the demented quest of Clyde Alexander Shelton (Gerard Butler) to make a mockery of the American legal system after it catastrophically failed him in the wake of his wife and child's murder. He goes about executing the responsible parties himself, but isn't finished there: he then turns his attention towards the legal servants who allowed this to happen, such as Jamie Foxx's lawyer Nick Rice, who appears more concerned about his win-loss record than doing what's right. However, the murders of various judges and legal officers take place while Shelton is in prison for murdering one of his family's killers, so who is performing these elaborate assassinations of legal officials? Well, it turns out that Shelton owns a garage next to the prison, and has been using it to tunnel in and out undetected. Ridiculous? Sure, but damn entertaining, and by this point, most audience members are completely behind Shelton. However, the movie ends with Shelton planning to blow up city hall, yet Rice has outsmarted him, planting the bomb in Shelton's own cell, blowing him to bits at the end of the movie. Why It Sucks: Shelton may have been a murderous maniac in the end, but Butler was so much fun in the role that it was easy to root for him over Jamie Foxx's clinical a**hole lawyer. We wanted Shelton to get away with it, and considering how thoroughly silly the movie was in tackling the hypocrisy of the legal system, for that system to "win" at the end felt like a betrayal of every point the film was trying to make.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.