23 Worst Movie Endings Since 2000

18. The Double-Twist - Brake

Brake is a low-budget movie revolving around Secret Service agent Jeremy Reins (Stephen Dorff) who is kidnapped and wakes up in a glass box inside a car. He is tortured, as his captors attempt to find out the location of secret hideouts used by the President in a time of crisis. His box has a countdown timer on it, and when it reaches zero near the end of the movie, it begins flooding, yet at the last minute, he is saved by Henry, another man who has been locked inside the trunk. Then the twist is revealed: the entire scenario was just a test to see if Jeremy would crack under pressure, and everyone, including his wife Molly (Chyler Leigh) was in on it. As the two are carted off in an ambulance, however, Molly reveals herself to be a terrorist along with everyone else we just saw, and she is ordered to kill Jeremy. She grabs a gas mask and begin suffocating him with a noxious gas of some kind as the movie ends. Why It Sucks: It's a case of one twist too many. The first plot twist would have been enough for most viewers to probably hold their hands up and say "Alright, you got me!" It's not the most imaginative twist ever, but it would've caught most audience members by surprise and been a pretty fun way to end the movie. The double-twist that Jeremy was, in fact, in danger the whole time, reeks of a movie being just too smart for its own good, and the wife being in on it is just too ridiculous.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.