23 Worst Movie Endings Since 2000

17. Blatant Sequel Bait - The Last Exorcism

For the majority of its run-time, The Last Exorcism is an insanely entertaining horror movie about disillusioned Reverend Cotton Marcus (Patrick Fabian), who is taking part in a documentary that exposes that exorcisms are not real. His case of choice is to investigate whether a young girl, Nell (Ashley Bell), is possessed or not, and in the wake of a number of creepy happenings (such as the revelation that Nell is pregnant), eventually surmises that Nell is simply a mentally disturbed girl traumatised by losing her virginity to a local boy, Logan. However, the twist comes that Logan is gay, and after realising that something doesn't quite add up (it's heavily implied Nell may have been raped), they head back to see Nell, only to find a hooded cult crowded around a large fire, while Nell is tied to an altar. She gives birth to something that clearly isn't human, which is soon enough thrown into the fire, but only makes the fire burn with greater intensity. Marcus finds his faith restored and attacks the group, while cameraman Daniel runs off, only to be corned by Nell's brother Caleb (Caleb Landry Jones), who decapitates Daniel as the camera drops to the ground and the movie ends. Why It Sucks: The notion that the naive Nell was simply traumatised by a sexual encounter seemed to be a clever subversion of the horror movie formula, and the movie should have ended with Marcus and co. driving away from the farm. The tacked-on ending in the last few minutes, complete with the lazy final shot of Daniel being killed, is pure horror formula and not at all in step with everything that came before. Plus, how was Caleb able to cut the guy's head off with one clean swipe of a rather small knife? It doesn't really make much sense.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.