23 X-Men Movie Mistakes You Probably Missed

1. The Least Explosive Nukes In Hollywood - X-Men: First Class


At the end of First Class, just when it seems the world is teetering fatally on the precipice of nuclear war and holocaust, Professor X has the temerity and the fortitude to leap into the mind of an officer on the Russian warship (who luckily seems like a bit of a dick) and shooting the cargo ship carrying Russian nukes to Cuba, destroying it.

Everyone celebrates and the world is saved. Hurray! But shouldn't Xavier's decision to blow up the cargo ship have taken into account its precious, and frankly extremely dangerous cargo? And shouldn't the explosion of nuclear missiles been a lot more nuclear? And fatal to everyone within the immediate vicinity?

And then, to make matters worse, when the US and Russian military turncoats fire their missiles at the mutants who've just saved them, at least three of the types on screen weren't ade until the 1970s and '80s.

Are there any other mistakes, plot-holes and goofs in the X-Men universe that deserve inclusion here? Share your own picks below in the comments thread.


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