23 X-Men Movie Mistakes You Probably Missed

2. Magneto's Short-Sighted Helmet Plans


Yet another issue with Magneto's plans now, as you have to question the logic behind his fancy helmet, which was made by his own hand in response to Cerebro (depending on the film you like most). That's not to question the logic of his wearing it: that much is just logical, but why didn't he just give helmets to his other close cohorts? As long as they're all susceptible to mental persuasion by Xavier, they're potential enemies, so surely they should all be wearing the helmets just in case?

In the end it doesn't really matter aside from the one time Xavier hijacks Toad and Sabretooth's minds, because Professor X manages to forget that he has Cerebro which he could use to find Rogue, or spy on Magneto through his henchmen's eyes anyway. But it still smacks of Magneto's short-sighted planning methods.

And the same thing comes up when Magneto fails to use Phoenix - the all-powerful quasi-deity who is capable of exploding people into dust clouds to end the war, rather than simply recruiting and mobilising a force of cannon fodder to march valiantly to their inevitable deaths.


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