24 Best A24 Movies

8. Ex Machina (2014)

Ex Machina
Universal Pictures

Written and directed by Alex Garland, Ex Machina is a confined psychological thriller that follows programmer Caleb (Domhall Gleeson) as he comes into contact with the android Ava (Alicia Vikander) in the home of his narcissistic boss (Oscar Isaac).

With stunning visuals and a narrative that constantly twists in itself to keep you guessing until the very end, the sci-fi drama uses its simple setting and game cast to create a story about what it means to be human without looking down on its audience or becoming too lost in technical jargon.

From the unforgettable finale to Alicia Vikander's spotless central performance, Ex Machina watches like a modern day Frankenstein, but comes complete with more shocks and emotional power than the vast majority of sci-fi flicks of its generation.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.