24 Best A24 Movies

4. The Florida Project (2017)

Ex Machina

The story couldn't be more simple: A struggling mother (Bria Vinaite) does all she can to keep her kids safe and sheltered in a motel, whilst her daughter (Brooklynn Prince) tries to hold onto her childhood.

An emotionally powerful look at the life of a family in dire straits, The Florida Project is both heartbreaking and hopeful, making the characters' poverty feel inescapable and real whilst injecting the drama with young Moonee's growing thirst for mischief and adventure.

With a cast made up of debut actors and a career-best Willem Dafoe as the motel's stern but caring owner, The Florida Project is a deeply moving film about poor families and childhood that feels painfully authentic.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.