24 Best A24 Movies

5. The Lighthouse (2019)

Ex Machina

Filmed in gorgeous black-and-white and starring Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson in two of the best roles, Robert Eggers' psychological drama The Lighthouse is the single most perplexing and unique movies in A24's extensive filmography.

Defying genre conventions and conventional storytelling, it follows two lighthouse keepers as they're trapped by a storm and begin to slip into deadly madness. Stuck, their fragile minds begin to deteriorate at an alarming rate. And then things start to get very strange.

Macabre and unsettling, The Lighthouse is part character study, part horror movie, part thriller and part mystery, perfectly brought to life by Dafoe and Pattinson's wild performances and Eggers' love for ambiguity. It's disturbing - and disturbing funny - and overflowing with things to love and think about, long after it's over.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.