24 Best A24 Movies

3. Under The Skin (2013)

Ex Machina

A passion project over a decade in the making for writer/director Jonathan Glazer, Under the Skin follows an alien as it assumes the shape of a woman (a never-better Scarlett Johansson) and starts killing men around Scotland.

With its grotesque imagery, sudden bursts of violence and disturbing tone, the sci-fi thriller is absorbing and strange, making an artform out of its troubling plot and twisting structure. Visually, Under the Skin is beautiful, and its engrossing score helps amplify its haunting aesthetic.

Though for many it may seem too slow or even uneventful in parts, Under the Skin is nonetheless an engaging and unforgettable viewing experience, that whether you understand what it's going for or not, you'll probably seek it out for a re-watch.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.