25 Best Anime Supervillains Of All Time

14. Colossus Titan - Attack On Titan

Fullmetal Alchemist
Wit Studio

Only as Attack on Titan progresses do we learn of the Nine Titans and their various traits, but there’s a period during the first season where the Colossus Titan feels like all that’s wrong with the world.

The show does a particularly fine job of painting the Colossus as this wrecker of the peace by positioning him prominently in its opening sequences and making sure we see him up close early on.

This Titan especially feels like the embodiment of our protagonists’ worst fears. While other Titans toil at ground level, this behemoth is big enough to peer over their fortress walls, and he’s used on several occasions as a very sharp reminder of the opposition the characters are up against.

What’s more, the whole human-flesh-flipped-inside-out look is just skin-crawling at its best.

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