25 Best Vampire Movies Ever Made

20. From Dusk Till Dawn

25 Best Vampire Movies Ever Made

What do you get when you cross a vampire film with the combined creative might of Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino? The cinematic insanity that is From Dusk Till Dawn, of course.

Starring George Clooney and Tarantino as sadistic and nihilistic bank robbers the Gecko brothers, this collaborative grindhouse feature initially sets itself up as a tense and gritty crime thriller that sees the criminals kidnap an unsuspecting family to aid them in crossing the border to Mexico.

However, when the group eventually reaches the designated meeting spot for the brothers’ contact – a roadside bar and strip club named the Titty Twister – the film undergoes a dramatic tonal ship into a body-exploding gore-fest as the bar’s staff are revealed to be vampires who feed upon their cliental.

A hyperbolically ultra-stylish and visceral film that showcases the best of both auteurs, From Dusk Till Dawn is a riotous outing from start to finish.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.