25 Best Zombie Movies Ever Made

11. One Cut Of The Dead

One Cut Of The Dead
Third Window

Well again on this list we have another movie that felt nothing like a cheat student one-off, but if you stick with One Cut of the Dead for long enough it more than pays off. Around the 30-minute mark, everything changes... It might be sort of cheating saying this is a zombie film, but the core of one is there, so that is more than enough to qualify it as one.

The final third of this film hits all the stresses that one might have whilst making a film or producing a video for that matter. It is intense, to say the least, and not for the reasons many might expect.

One Cut isn’t necessarily groundbreaking, but just very bloody clever as it takes the same situation and somehow spins it in three different ways. Honestly to spoil this film would be a crime, this is a lot of fun and just when you thought you’d seen enough zombie films, this Japanese indie movie changes the game.

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Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.