25 Best Zombie Movies Ever Made

6. Shaun Of The Dead

Shaun Of The Dead Simon Pegg Nick Frost
Universal Pictures

This movie isn’t just a moment in time for the zombie genre, but for British filmmaking too. Everyone remembers where they were when they first watched Shaun of the Dead, audiences were treated to the perfect blend of horror and comedy as the Zom-Com was born back in 2004.

Led by the charismatic Simon Pegg l and the snappy direction of Wright, this tribute to the classic genre raised the bar and has truly stood the test of time and is an ultimately rewatchable masterpiece of comedy, with its pure nature and resounding charm.

Coming a mere two years after 28 Days Later had kicked off the resurrection of the zombie genre as we know it today, Shaun took the very best bits from Spaced and adapted for the big screen. Now known as the first instalment in the Cornetto trilogy follows Shaun and Ed as they go to the Winchester and wait for the zombie outbreak to “just blow over”.

However little did they know they were about to cause hordes of zombie movies to come.

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Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.