25 Film Sequels To Watch Out For In 2014

2. The Hobbit: There And Back Again

Plot: From IMDB: "The Company of Thorin has reached Smaug's lair; but, can Bilbo and the Dwarves reclaim Erebor and the treasure? And, if so, can they hold on to it?" All journeys must come to an end and while it may be hard to believe, one year from now, Bilbo Baggins's journey will be over. Peter Jackson has done the best he can to let us watch this journey in real-time. He's taken a 310-page book and, so far, has stretched it out to six hours. We can only assume the third movie will be just as long as the first two which would make The Hobbit journey a nine-hour experience when it's all said and done. Are you exhausted yet? Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf, and their friends are all back for one more round of Middle Earth epic-ness. At this point, you're either still on board The Hobbit train or you got off a long time ago. Either way, it's understandable. Some people love delving deep into this world, while others have grown tired of the experience and just want to go home. Now that the trilogy is coming to a close, we can only hope that it will end in riveting fashion. U.S. Release Date: December 17th

Ken writes movie reviews on his blog, kenoncinema.blogspot.com. He currently resides in New York City. Twitter: @keng324