25 Greatest Film Trailers From The 2000s

15. The Omen (2006)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UKWEZ1LnhM I haven't seen The Omen, but by all accounts it's pretty bad. A few weeks ago I ended up watching a bunch of trailers on YouTube, which led to the formation of this list, and this was one of the trailers I came across. I had never seen this trailer, but I absolutely loved it. It's a simple one shot of a child on a swing, and the camera pans across a yard around the boy who turns and looks into the camera. It is a haunting trailer, and makes me wonder why that didn't translate to the final product. It's also interesting to note it was Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick's screen test, and although his performance in the movie has been criticized, he exudes an unnervingly creepy tone here. There is a second trailer for it that almost made the list, but you can watch it here.

14. Spider-Man (2002)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiVrLhlyZ9E You might not have seen this trailer, and there's a good reason for that. This trailer was done away with after 9/11, and for obvious reasons. Still, it's a fantastic trailer that captures the balance of action and humor found in Sam Raimi's films, and it creates an iconic image that wasn't present anywhere else. What's also great is that until the final reveal of the webbed helicopter, it isn't apparent that this is Spider-Man. It could be some generic bank heist movie, but that final reveal absolutely makes the trailer. This is another case of a fantastic trailer that wasn't filmed for the finished product. I wish more superhero trailers were done like this. Take note, studios, this is how you make a trailer!
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Jeremy Sollie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.