25 Greatest Film Trailers From The 2000s

13. Watchmen (2009)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3orQKBxiEg I remember going to see The Dark Knight and being absolutely wowed by this trailer. I had no idea what this was at the time, and was confused and yet intrigued by what I saw. Zack Snyder makes amazing visuals, and this trailer was full of them. Smashing Pumpkins' "The End is the Beginning is the End" is used very well here, making the entire trailer like a music video. This was a comic book movie like we had never seen before, and for the most part Snyder pulled it off. This trailer is full of money shots and a great voiceover from Rorshach. Only one comic book movie trailer is better than this, but more on that later.

12. Cloverfield (2008)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqQzvfn_s30 This trailer is JJ Abrams in a nutshell. Throw a ton of crazy unexpected stuff at that audience and give no answers. In this case, not even a title! Audiences didn't know what to make of this trailer, where a party in New York took place in the middle of something horrible, and the trailer ending with the Statue of Liberty's head rolling down the streets. I wish I could have been in a theater when this was first shown, but sadly I can only watch it on repeat at my computer.
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Jeremy Sollie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.