25 Horror Films You Must Watch Before Halloween

23. Final Destination

One of the most inventive horror films of the 2000s, Final Destination pitted a group of hapless teens against an enemy of unimaginable power: death itself. After several students decide to get off a plane after one of them has a premonition that it will explode, and it then actually explodes, the gang finds death coming to reclaim them one by one, in increasingly ridiculous ways. Best Moment: It's never better than the tension and insanity of the opening premonition sequence, though the comic twist ending (in which Carter gets wiped out by a giant sign in Paris) is pretty close. Sequels: Four sequels have followed to date of varied quality. 2 and 5 are easily the best (5 in particular has a great ending and intriguing twist on the series formula), while 4 is without question the worst. Word has been pretty quiet on a sixth film for the last 3 years, even with the strong financial success of 5.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.