25 Incredible Star Wars Concept Art Designs You Need To See

7. A Very Different Maul

Star Wars Concept Art

Less "incredible" in terms of the strength of this design, more "incredible" for its shock and thank-God-they-didn't-go-for-that factor, this very different early design for Darth Maul would have been a big misstep if it were actually used in The Phantom Menace.

Considering the character is largely considered to be the movie's biggest (or only) strength, and he's little more than a cool-looking almost-silent assassin, a design this lame might have ended the Prequel Trilogy before it began.

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When Matteo isn't cashing in on a lifetime of devotion to his favourite pop culture franchises and indie bands, he's writing and publishing poems and short stories under the name Teo Eve. Talk about range.