25 Mind-Blowing Facts About King Kong

2. The Great Ape Of Motor City?

King Kong Skull Island Universal Pictures' forthcoming revival of the Kong concept may play as a sequel or a full-fledged reboot. Godzilla reboot producers Legendary Pictures have said of their long-in-gestation Kong: Skull Island: "Previous works have touched on the island, but staging and exploring this mysterious and dangerous place offers€ the opportunity to take audiences inside this rich world€" If the full palette of modern filming techniques and computer technology is used, it could be a vivid journey to remember. But whether it will take us further into the imagination than Merian Cooper and Willis O'Brien did in 1933 remains to be seen. The scheduled director is young TV helmsman Jordan Vogt-Roberts, with a cast headed by Tom Hiddleston and J.K. Simmonds. Earlier in the year, Detroit native Simmonds made semi-cryptic remarks about part of the film being shot (and apparently set) in his city, supposedly in 1971. While Detroit was a tough old city in the early seventies - and remains so today, with its former lifeblood motor industry diminished - it didn't tie in with suggestions that the story would take up with Carl Denham's son, 25 years after the original story (which would make it 1958). Maybe the great ape is about to take on the USA's onetime murder capital - or maybe we're just being fed a few monkey nuts€
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Writer/editor/ghost-writer transfixed by crime, cinema and the serrated edges of popular culture. Those similarly afflicted are invited to make contact.