25 Most Powerful Characters In MCU Movies (So Far)

14. Loki

MCU Powerful
Marvel Studios

The God Of Mischief is absolutely not as powerful as his half-brother, but then he cannot count on Thor's super-strength because he's not Asgardian. Where Asgard's finest are the jocks powered by muscle, Loki is a runt of his own people. He's still stronger than a human, and faster and more agile and durable, but he's still tiny compared to what he should be (hence being rejected and left to die by his own father).

Loki's powers are manifold though: he's an arch manipulator (to the extent that he has to be gagged when in custody), he is very capable in battle and of course he's a master sorceror. That has manifested in the MCU as the ability to multiply himself, to change his appearance, to astrally project and to command the power of telekinesis. How much of that was down to the Infinity Stone in his sceptre remains to be seen, but he's definitely one of the most capable magicians in the universe.

And as a Frost Giant, he's also capable of using Jotun artefacts to freeze others, as he did to Heimdall.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.