25 Most Powerful Characters In MCU Movies (So Far)

13. Hulk

MCU Powerful
Marvel Studios

You already know pretty much everything about the Hulk: he's the ultimate blunt object; a walking one-man army.

Bruce Banner is the archetypal geek turned jock: before his "accident" he was a weakling genius, but after the exposure to Gamma Radiation, he's transformed into a walking ball of muscular rage. But he's not all just about brute strength: he's entirely invulnerable (he spat out a bullet intended to kill Banner), he's capable of huge leaps, his strength is off the chart and his resistance and durability generally in battle is at mythological levels.

The rules of his powers remain a little... foggy. Can he grow bigger based on how angry he is? Can he jump hundreds of miles in a single bound? But even without that clarification, he's a big deal.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.