25 Most Powerful Characters In MCU Movies (So Far)

12. Karl Mordo

MCU Powerful
Marvel Studios

Though he's a little reluctant to show off the true extent of his powers in Doctor Strange - so as not to ruin the Natural Order - what Mordo does tease of his abilities positions him as one of the most prodigiously talented magic-users in the multiverse.

He's capable of manipulating reality, entering the Mirror Realm, casting strong spells and resisting the mortal spells of his enemies (which kill off a good deal of his fellows), and he can also teleport using a Sling Ring. He can also use magical artefacts - which isn't a matter of simply picking things up, because artefacts choose the wielder - using both the Staff Of The Living Tribunal and the Vaulting Boots Of Valtorr.

And most intriguingly, he also proves at the end of Doctor Strange that he can absorb the powers of others, which is a potentially major game changer.


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