25 Most Powerful Characters In MCU Movies (So Far)

11. The Destroyer

MCU Powerful
Marvel Studios

If you're looking for an accessible cultural reference point to explain The Destroyer, look no further than the Terminator: he's basically the MCU's version of the T-800, only with a face-melting head cannon and the ability to transform himself into a devastating weapon. Okay, so it blurs the lines between character and object, but it certainly has personality.

The right-hand robot of Odin (or whoever sits on the throne of Asgard) is no small trinket (in the comics it was made to battle the Celestials, no less): it is capable of superhero strength, speed and power, has a formidable energy blast and can rearrange itself to an almost infinite range. And it can also basically act as a baby monitor to allow whoever wields Gungnir to see through it to track its enemies' movements.

And bear in mind, The Destroyer basically killed Thor (albeit in his mortal form on Earth), and was only undone by an act of pure altruism.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.