25 Most Powerful Characters In MCU Movies (So Far)

10. Odin

MCU Powerful
Marvel Studios

It's pretty hard to under-play how powerful the All Father is - that nickname alone should be some indication of his status.

He was billed as the Greatest Warrior in the Nine Kingdoms, was worshipped as a God on Midgard (Earth) and he's able to strip others of power (as he proves when he removes Thor's) - on the back of that alone, he outshines his son.

He's obviously an Asgardian, so he gets all of those powers, but he also has the mysterious Odinforce - an energy burst he can call upon for any number of reasons suiting his situation. And of course he wields the formidable spear Gungnir.

He loses points here because he is also a massive emo, going into his famous Odinsleep when he's not feeling on top form. Which is basically like a diva taking to their bed. Plus, Loki clearly beat him in battle somehow at the end of The Dark World (whether through tricksterism or other means), so he's not infallible.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.