25 Most Powerful Characters In MCU Movies (So Far)

23. Groot

MCU Powerful
Marvel Studios

From The Abomination's complete lack of humanity to Groot's surprising, delightful human spirit and heart in one easy bound.

While the sentient tree-man probably isn't as powerful as Blonksy in a physical straight shoot, he's a hell of a lot more formidable than he might seem on first impressions. What he lacks in vocabulary skills he more than makes up for in strength, he's durable to blunt-force and very good in combat, though he has the obvious issue of being susceptible to fire and swords.

But he's also magical: he has the power to manipulate his body into basically any shape, can extend his limbs massively and he has a regenerative gene that means he's basically immortal (as long as a tiny piece of him survives to "replant"). Oh and he's capable of being a night-light, which is a nice side bonus.


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