25 Most Powerful Comic Book Movie Heroes

2. The Silver Surfer (Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer)silver surfer In the comics, the Silver Surfer has displayed power that would put him well above Superman. However, in terms of the movie versions, it's much more of a tough call - but I've put him just above the man of steel. The Surfer demonstrated flight enhanced speed, enhanced durability and various esoteric powers that just about give him the edge over Superman, despite the fact that he showed no real super-strength. In terms of his flight and speed, he could traverse space, and indeed our planet, in very little time. His durability was such that he could grab the Human Torch in his flame form without it causing him any discomfort and, most impressively, he survived the blast that killed the planet-eating entity; Galactus. Regarding his more esoteric powers, he could transmute matter (including Sue Storm's forcefield) so that he could travel through solid objects, he could bring the dead back to life (again, in the case of Sue Storm), he used unknown means to create massive holes all over the Earth in preparation for the coming of Galactus, his mere presence caused vast climate change, he could absorb objects in to his board (such as the missile fired at him in anger) and his energy blasts did indeed kill the planet-eating entity that he was serving.

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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.