25 Predictions For This Summer's Rotten Tomatoes Scores

4. Minions (71%)

Predicted Critical Consensus: "A rare spin-off that really works, Minions is colourful, hilarious and arguably more entertaining than the franchise that spawned it." Fingers crossed that the hilarious footage shown off in trailers to date isn't all the best material from the Minions movie, because these lovable little guys are likely to deliver one of the year's highest-grossing films, and if it's charming enough, one of the best-reviewed animated films of the year as well. Whether critics will be able to handle 90 minutes of the Minions in the driver's seat remains to be seen, though it certainly looks amusing enough to sustain for that long. With the original Despicable Me rocking in at 81% while the sequel holds 74%, expect Minions to boast a similar notice, either slightly above of both or just slightly below.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.