25 Wonder Woman Easter Eggs & References You Must See

1. The Boom Tube?

Batman Darkseid
Warner Bros.

Though there isn't a post-credits scene (really, don't bother sitting through the credits expecting this to be a joke), the end of the film does work in a similar call-forward method to Diana's next appearance in Justice League.

The return to the present is effectively a post-credits sting on the end of Diana's memory, and in it we hear Diana announce that she's back to being a hero, protecting the Earth before a low boom can be heard in the distance. She suits up and leaps into action.

Could this BOOM be the opening of a Boom Tube of Apokolips heralding the arrival of Darkseid's forces? It'd certainly fit.

Which other Easter Eggs and references did you spot in Wonder Woman? Share your finds and favourites below in the comments thread.


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