25 WTF Moments From Jurassic World

7. Lauren Lapkus Rejects Jake Johnson's Romantic Advance In The Movie's Funniest Moment

The funniest moment in the movie is a totally unexpected one, when as the park is under attack, the control room is being evacuated by Hoskins (D'Onofrio) and one technician has to stay behind to oversee the change-over. Lowery promptly volunteers himself without much fanfare from anyone else, but as his cute co-worker Vivian is about to leave, he walks up to her and attempts to give her a heroic farewell kiss. She stops him in his tracks, explaining that she has a boyfriend. He asks why she never mentioned it and she explains that they're at work, so why would she? She goes on her way and Lowery clearly wants to die in a hole somewhere. It's one of the film's few knowing mockeries of Hollywood cliche, dismantling the trite romantic hook-up you expect to happen...even if the film's two main characters are still stuck in that same tired mud.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.