25 WTF Moments From Jurassic World

23. The Characters Are Flat & Uninteresting

One of the movie's most disappointing aspects is just how dull and boring the majority of the characters are. There are so many ridiculously talented actors in this movie, but most of them are given cardboard cut-out characters with simple motivations and little definition. Probably the only character whose name you're going to remember is Owen's, whereas the rest are quickly forgotten before the film's even over. Vincent D'Onofrio, though trying harder than most actors in this movie, is a cookie cutter villain who practically wears a neon sign from the first time you see him, as Vic Hoskins, the slimy the head of InGen security who wants to weaponise the Raptors for military purposes. Then there's Jake Johnson's nerdy Jurassic Park fanboy Lowery Cruthers, who should've been a blast but only gets a few lines, and mercenary Hamada (Brian Tee), who has maybe two lines of dialogue before he's eaten as he and his Asset Containment Unit attempt to bring the Indominus Rex down. Most of the characters are just dino fodder, and even the ones at the forefront, namely Owen and Claire, are only scarcely compelling enough to keep things chugging along. Caring about these people isn't easy because the script rarely asks the audience to, and this heavily undermines any potential suspense later on.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.