25 WTF Moments From Jurassic World

22. The Totally Ridiculous Product Placement

You can criticise the previous two Jurassic Park movies for a lot of things, but one thing they didn't have was product placement this excessive and laughable. Jurassic World is absolutely packed with intrusive and distracting advertisements, and here's just a few of them. Early on, Claire mentions Verizon Wireless sponsoring the Indominus Rex (and the subsequent mockery of it doesn't make it OK), she drinks a cup of Starbucks coffee, Owen drinks a glass bottle of Coca Cola for no reason at all, director Colin Trevorrow shoots Claire driving around in her Mercedes car like it's an actual Mercedes commercial, a glance at a car battery lingers on the Kawasaki logo, Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville restaurant chain is featured in the park, Triumph motorcycles get a pretty decent look in, and there's even some Samsung money-hatting in the control room. That's probably just some of them, and while not quite as obnoxious as in, say, a Michael Bay movie, it's still pretty damn frustrating. Considering that the film is largely a critique of capitalism run rampant, it's pretty infuriating that there's so much paid placement in it.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.