29 WTF Moments From Spectre

2. Oberhauser Is Wounded & Arrested, Not Killed

So, Bond rescues Madeleine just in time, escaping from the blast mere seconds before the MI6 building is leveled. Blofeld is now in a helicopter surveying the scene, when Bond gets in a speedboat and rides along the Thames, firing his pistol at the chopper, and eventually managing to hit a vital component, bringing it down on Westminster Bridge. Everyone else in the chopper dies, but Blofeld manages to limp out, his leg badly wounded as Bond heads to him with a pistol in tow. He considers shooting him but ultimately decides against it, throwing it in the river and telling Blofeld he has something better to do. Given how meager Blofeld's treatment was here, at least they didn't kill him off, and he can return for another movie (or maybe more), hopefully in a much bigger capacity. More Christoph Waltz is no bad thing, as long as the script's better next time.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.