3 Things We'll Miss About Kevin Smith The Director

2. Jay and Silent Bob

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back Kevin Smith the director retiring does not necessarily mean we will not see anymore of Jay and Silent Bob. There's already a new Jay and Silent Bob movie not directed Smith making its way around the country in the vein of Smith's last independently released film, Red State. Still, they just won't be the same without Smith behind the camera. Smith found a way to make two immature characters an intelligent way to connect his View Askew universe. It was always well thought out and never gimmicky. Just think of the duo's brilliant cameo in Chasing Amy. It was the highlight of the movie and Smith weaved it in perfectly so his script still had the same effect, message, etc. It's hard to imagine Smith giving the characters up, but without him behind the camera we know we will probably never get another film like Dogma. The last time we will probably see the characters puppeteered by Smith will be the upcoming Clerks III. The duo probably has some more animated adventures to come and will go on forever, but I will certainly miss Smith the director finding ways to weave them in and out of movies as varied as Mallrats and Chasing Amy.
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Jon Manson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.