3 Ups And 2 Downs From David Brent: Life On The Road

2. But There's Still Big Laughs

David Brent Ricky Gervais Laughing

For all the introversion, however, this is still a comedy, and the film has plenty of laughs. Big laughs. The opening credits, showing Brent out repping scored to the song Life On The Road is a spectacular jumping off point, with great, character-fitting lyrics and a tactless editing style making one of the best comedy music videos I've ever seen.

Beyond that, you know what to expect; it's awkward humour and Brent-isms at full pelt. There's no point spoiling any of them, but rest assured you're in for a chucklesome time.

At points the jokes are pushed too far - a scene of getting a tattoo feels like it squanders great potential - but under the veil of a mockumentary it's all rather acceptable. The ending suffers a little in the humour side of things thanks to the downbeat tone, but there's still a couple of crackers in the final minutes (one jab at Chris Martin is perfect, if only you didn't know he and Gervais are offscreen buddies care of Extras).


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.