3 Ups And 7 Downs From X-Men: Apocalypse

1. It Doesnt Get The X-Men Franchise

X-Men Apocalypse 64.jpg
20th Century Fox

Remember Days Of Future Past? That was great, mainly because it saw Bryan Singer wipe the movies he wasnt involved in - aka the sh*t ones - from continuity and remove most of the franchises plot holes.

What does he do with Apocalypse? Try and remake the sh*t ones and create a f*ck ton of plot-holes, of course.

Hanging threads from Days Of Future Past are completely ignored, a Wolverine cameo is shoehorned in forcing a completely unnecessary, runtime padding interlude and for the third movie in a row were still talking about forming the X-Men (get together already!). The film doesnt know where it fits in the franchise, despite Singer being the one whos made that such a big deal, especially annoying when it tries to build tension by wilfully ignoring the end of the last film.

X-Men: Apocalypse ultimately feels like the film Singer was going to direct after X-2, before he jumped ship for Superman Returns, and has all the problems you'd expect from a mid-naughties threequel from the director of the previous films (see: Spider-Man 3), but this lack of franchise coherence is the most baffling.

Have you seen X-Men: Apocalypse? What did you think? Have your say down in the comments


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.