30 Greatest Action Movie Fight Scenes Of All Time

24. Frank Vs. Dozens Of Goons - The Transporter (2002)

It's always amazing when an action film comes along that is so straightforward and slickly made, that it actually does feel like a breath of fresh air. The film that birthed one of our greatest modern day action stars, The Transporter stars Jason Statham as Frank Martin, a driver for hire €“ a mercenary "transporter" who will deliver anything, anywhere €“ no questions asked €“ for the right price. While there are plenty of memorable actions sequences throughout the film, there is one scene that stands above the rest. Forget special effects and wire-fu. For a truly great action scene, all you need is Jason Statham, a warehouse, a few stunt actors and a big bucket of oil. With these simple ingredients, The Transporter created this funny, exciting and truly memorable action sequence. Outnumbered by bad guys, a topless Statham evens his chances of survival by smothering both the floor and himself in engine oil. Now unable to balance, the half-a-dozen or so goons get royally thrashed by our hero, who slips and skids before using a pair of bicycle toe clips for a bit of improvisation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot2RkUSRjmg
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Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com