30 Greatest Marvel Movie Villains

11. Green Goblin - Willem Dafoe (Spider-Man)


Though Norman Osborn aka the Green Goblin is very much your typical, sympathetic Spider-Man villain in a lot of ways, he's also one of the first and most iconic superhero movie bad guys.

Depicted as an utterly insane alter ego of Osborn, Goblin is a murderous psychopath who kills anyone that gets in the way of his interests, fashioning an (admittedly incredibly goofy-looking) glider and suit to do Norman's bidding. Who can forget the pumpkin bombs?

His war with Spider-Man of course stems around Spidey's refusal to join his side, leading to Goblin attacking Aunt May and kidnapping Mary-Jane. It's all classic superhero stuff, shot through with a terrifically, enthusiastically bonkers turn by the brilliant Willem Dafoe.

Sure, the suit has aged horribly and it's kinda hilarious how Goblin ends up accidentally killing himself with his own glider, but Dafoe created a memorable and important villain to the lineage of superhero baddies.

Plus, he was miles better than the more recent James Franco and Dane DeHaan takes on the Goblin.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.