30 Greatest Marvel Movie Villains

22. Kingpin - Michael Clarke Duncan (Daredevil)

Marvel villains
20th Century Fox

It's fair to say that Michael Clarke Duncan's Wilson Fisk was highly controversial due to the racial casting switcheroo (Kingpin was white in the comics), and he was unarguably outdone by Vincent D'Onofrio's acclaimed rendition of the character in the current Daredevil TV series.

That said, Duncan brought a very particular and memorable menace to his version of the character, and though the movie as a whole was no masterpiece, he was by far the best thing in it.

Ignore silly hand-wringing about the colour of the man's skin (because it has very little bearing on the character), and this Kingpin is slick, determined and extremely imposing. His climactic fight against Daredevil, where he thoroughly manhandles him for most of the battle, is a sure highlight, exemplifying how well-cast Duncan was for the role when you accept him on his own terms.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.